Mineral King / Little and Big Five Lakes
September 3 - 7, 2020

A counter-clockwise loop from Mineral King.

Day One sees us at just under 6 miles. We have a 4k foot climb in the first 4 miles. The evening will be at Columbine Lake 900 feet below Sawtooth Pass.

Day Two takes us from Columbine Lake down Lost Canyon and over to the largest of the Big Five Lakes (WL10192). 7 Miles. Loss of 2200 feet. Gain of 1500 feet.
We will layover on Day 3 here. Dayhikes, fishing, lounging, swimming, etc.

Day four takes us from Big Five Lakes through Little Five Lakes and over Black Rock Pass with the evening at Pinto Lake. 7 miles. Elevation Gain 1800 ft. Elevation Loss 3300 feet.

Our last day sees us hiking another 7 miles, first down, then up over Timber Gap. Elevation Gain 2700 feet. Elevation Loss 3300 feet.